Saturday, September 11, 2010


After my associate Edward came over with his spirit detecting gear, we could not find any trace of electromagnetic anomaly, nor could we find anything out of sorts in what he called his "ether preceptor". I won't begin to say I understand where he gets his devices, and I believe he makes most of them in his basement, but they seem to work and that is all that matters.
  Before he left, he gave me a "matter detection and aura sniffer" which looked like an eggbeater with wires and a small electronic device attached to the bottom. It would safeguard me, he said, from any further intrusions into my home. I thanked him, slipped him some bills for his time, and he made his exit.

  As I am sitting here, drinking tea (the sugar pot is still missing), I have read a bit of history on the area the supposed cult had been holding it's meetings. It seems hundreds of years ago, it was a sort of holy ground for the local native tribes, a  place of taboo. "Strong medicine" was said to exist there, and many tribes would visit from areas around to come and pray, and have the shamans talk with the spirit world.

 This reinforces my belief that I am on the right track.

 The next chapter dealt with an eyewitness account of strange tribal going's on there, from a scout party from the Windsor township. The parchment had been dated 1654, and was written by a Henry Bissel, a member of the town's founding families.

" We came upon a place where the ground was soft, not far from the point on the riverbank where we had left our boats. There was a massive stone monolith, and it was inscribed with many pagan and heathen markings. As we watched, the sun set, and many men wanted to return to the boats to camp, but I bade them stay.
   A group of heathen Indians then broke near, and arrived at the stone structure. They had with them what appeared to be a tame wolf! I was surprised at this, a wilde beast amongst them, tame as a lap dog.
  They began chanting, and I felt queer, sick to my head and stomach. The rock seemed to take on a devilish glow, and many of our party began the Lord's prayer. When Joseph made to load his matchlock, I bade him to stop. We would retire from this scene, and leave the filthy pagan's to the unholy worship that they are best known for."

  I could not find anymore on the subject, only that over the next 60 years South Windsor and than East Windsor townships were incorporated.

  Perhaps this place has always been haunted. A haunt, a place frequented by predators. Something is drawing those with mystical abilities here, and now I know the case is bigger than just a blood cult. Though I am intrigued at my visitor the other night, my logic says it was only an apparition and nothing more.

 Sleep soon, more as I come across it.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 1 continued..

 It seems that I am on the right track. I am writing this to you after I have returned home to my apartment..which I fled in terror just a short time before.

  In my last post this morning, I had said I would update later. I did some errands, cleaned up the house and laid down for a nap. I awoke in a start to what I can only describe as the voice of a small child's laughter, and bolted upright in bed to see the form of a man perched on my rocking chair. He sat, crouched, on the tips of his toes, and the chair did not move an inch as he put his fingers to his lips and said.."They sink ships you know." I screamed, and rolled out of bed.

  I reached into my  nightstand drawer where I keep the mace that I use for self protection, and he was gone. I sat, trembling, and decided to spend the evening at the Buckland Mall, being around people made me feel better and I returned home.

 Nothing was out of the ordinary..except after making tea I can't seem to find my sugar jar. Very strange encounter indeed, and I am going to invite a friend over that has electro-meters and spectrograms to see if the apparition was ghostly or more corporeal.

 I believe I will continue my investigation..sinking ships be damned.

Investigation into "Vampire" Cult, week 1.

I have unearthed this in a batch of microfilm I found in the Public Library in Warehouse Point. The article was from a smaller circulation magazine, and it had to say this about activity around the bar:

 "Police responded to near riot conditions at a bar on Friday night. A phone call had been made to the authorities, quoting that "youngsters in strange costumes" were playing with firearms and discharging them into the air". Police arrived and handled the situation, arresting several and dispersing the crowd."

 I stopped by the EWPD to inquire about this, and none of the officers currently working had any recollection of any strange incidents going on in the bar's location. They said that an officer Sweeny had retired from the force around that time due to mental trauma, and had been committed to Danvers State Hospital in Massachusetts. Perhaps contacting Mr. Sweeny would be the next step in what appears to be a much deeper case than I thought.

My indentation in the ground is turning into a rabbit hole.

 On a related note, in one of my many trips to the local occult shop in Manchester, I was speaking to the owner and she told me that there had once been a radical coven of Lilith worshipers in that area. I know a bit about the minions of the Dark Mother, and will look closer into this. Perhaps the two cults are one in the same.

 So far, however, I have no clues or evidence that anything otherworldly has been going on. Unless my investigations dig up something fortean soon, I will have to discard this into the "case closed" pile.

 More this evening after I have had a rest.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Supposed location?

From what I could gather, this is where the supposed vampiric cult would hold it's meetings.

The supposed location

It now seems to be "Mei Tzu" Asian cuisine, a restaurant. I will investigate the buffet, as well as anything else I can discover. Ah, humor.

Opening the doors..

I have finally decided to go online with my studies and investigations. I know that some may say this is foolish, given the nature of the casework that has come across my desk lately, but I need to be able to share this with those that could have some insight or have a particular talent in the strange and paranormal, so here we are.

  I have recently closed the case file on The Devil's Hopyard, finding no significant evidence of any paranormal or diabolic entities in or around that location. Yes, our equipment was faulty during that time, but I suspect it was just due to the dampness of the air and the humidity, and not some otherworldly encounter.

  Our next file comes to us from a strange email that I had received, it was from a Frank Lyonwall, and he told me a very strange tale of a vampire cult that had inhabited an area near Hartford as recently as ten years ago. I could not pass up this one, as you all may know from my talks at the local convention circuit, I am a vampire aficionado and can't pass up any investigations of the supposed "undead" in our area.

 We all have heard of the fabled vampires of Rhode Island and Eastern CT during the 1800's, and this takes it a step further. This email informed me of a coven of vampires that would meet at a local bar, and hold meetings there. After a Google search or two without any information, I found a webpage that had been cached. In it were reports of strange noises and goings on in the area around that time, so I have decided to officially open the case.

 I will be posting my thoughts and findings on this site, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This will help for me to keep an electronic record of what is going on ,and to be able to share and perhaps learn a bit more about this supposed Vampiric Cult.

  What information I could dig up so far is thus:

  • At some point in the late 90's there appeared to be a cult that practiced bloodletting rituals in or near Hartford.
  • It is difficult for me to find any media reports of any type that correlates this information. I will talk to my contact at the HPD.
  • There is a reference in the Fortean Times in October of 97 about strange sightings in CT..

 I will go to the location this week, and snap some photos of the area that the is now in ruins. The nightclub or bar has since burned down, and the area around it is overgrown and basically a dumping ground and refuse pile. I will see what I can find.
