Monday, September 6, 2010

Opening the doors..

I have finally decided to go online with my studies and investigations. I know that some may say this is foolish, given the nature of the casework that has come across my desk lately, but I need to be able to share this with those that could have some insight or have a particular talent in the strange and paranormal, so here we are.

  I have recently closed the case file on The Devil's Hopyard, finding no significant evidence of any paranormal or diabolic entities in or around that location. Yes, our equipment was faulty during that time, but I suspect it was just due to the dampness of the air and the humidity, and not some otherworldly encounter.

  Our next file comes to us from a strange email that I had received, it was from a Frank Lyonwall, and he told me a very strange tale of a vampire cult that had inhabited an area near Hartford as recently as ten years ago. I could not pass up this one, as you all may know from my talks at the local convention circuit, I am a vampire aficionado and can't pass up any investigations of the supposed "undead" in our area.

 We all have heard of the fabled vampires of Rhode Island and Eastern CT during the 1800's, and this takes it a step further. This email informed me of a coven of vampires that would meet at a local bar, and hold meetings there. After a Google search or two without any information, I found a webpage that had been cached. In it were reports of strange noises and goings on in the area around that time, so I have decided to officially open the case.

 I will be posting my thoughts and findings on this site, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This will help for me to keep an electronic record of what is going on ,and to be able to share and perhaps learn a bit more about this supposed Vampiric Cult.

  What information I could dig up so far is thus:

  • At some point in the late 90's there appeared to be a cult that practiced bloodletting rituals in or near Hartford.
  • It is difficult for me to find any media reports of any type that correlates this information. I will talk to my contact at the HPD.
  • There is a reference in the Fortean Times in October of 97 about strange sightings in CT..

 I will go to the location this week, and snap some photos of the area that the is now in ruins. The nightclub or bar has since burned down, and the area around it is overgrown and basically a dumping ground and refuse pile. I will see what I can find.


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