Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 1 continued..

 It seems that I am on the right track. I am writing this to you after I have returned home to my apartment..which I fled in terror just a short time before.

  In my last post this morning, I had said I would update later. I did some errands, cleaned up the house and laid down for a nap. I awoke in a start to what I can only describe as the voice of a small child's laughter, and bolted upright in bed to see the form of a man perched on my rocking chair. He sat, crouched, on the tips of his toes, and the chair did not move an inch as he put his fingers to his lips and said.."They sink ships you know." I screamed, and rolled out of bed.

  I reached into my  nightstand drawer where I keep the mace that I use for self protection, and he was gone. I sat, trembling, and decided to spend the evening at the Buckland Mall, being around people made me feel better and I returned home.

 Nothing was out of the ordinary..except after making tea I can't seem to find my sugar jar. Very strange encounter indeed, and I am going to invite a friend over that has electro-meters and spectrograms to see if the apparition was ghostly or more corporeal.

 I believe I will continue my investigation..sinking ships be damned.


  1. These sounds suspiciously similiar to a string of events that took place in the Greater Springfield area around the same time. Maybe the two are related? I'll keep you posted on anything I find out, for safety you can refer to me as "B".
    Stay safe.

  2. Trust none of what you read, and less of what you hear.

  3. @B, Thank you for that information, I will begin to look into that area as well. The area in Longmeadow known as "the meadows" has a long history of strange phenomena.

    @Wulfemoon, Sadly I am not in a position to do this, as most of my information comes from book or historical documents. I will do my best to make a fair and accurate account, but your warning is taken with grace.

  4. My inquiries have pointed to West Springfield as the center of the sightings in this area. I can't get any results from the local police though, a complete dead end there. I have an address though and will try and post a pic sometime this week.
